PythonKC July 2016 Coffee & Code

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def greetings():
    print("Welcome to PythonKC Coffee & Code.")
    print("Today is Saturday 9 July 2016.")
    print("Thanks to Sprint Accelerator and Caleb Hyde.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

PythonKC News

PythonKC Organizer Search

  • Python expertise is not a requirement
    • Organizer tasks have almost nothing to do with Python skills
    • Finding meeting space and lining up presentations don't require writing code
  • Being an organizer is not a huge time commitment
    • Mostly it's just showing up
    • No current organizer is stepping down
  • We'd like to represent differing points-of-view
    • Take a look at the current PythonKC organizers
    • We're more alike than different
    • We'd like to change that

PythonKC Summer 2016 Meetup

  • Thursday 25 August 2016
  • Location: C2FO (Thanks, Garry Polley!)
  • Response to call for presentations has been overwhelming
    • Please read the update here
    • Please respond as a post to that discussion if you're interested in presenting in 2016

PythonKC August 2016 Coffee & Code

PythonKC Bookclub

Python News and Resources