PythonKC September 2016 Coffee & Code
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
def greetings():
print("Welcome to PythonKC Coffee & Code.")
print("Today is Saturday 10 September 2016.")
print("Thanks to SpiderOak.")
if __name__ == '__main__':
PythonKC News
PythonKC Organizer Search
- Python expertise is not a requirement
- Organizer tasks have almost nothing to do with Python skills
- Finding meeting space and lining up presentations don't require writing code
- Being an organizer is not a huge time commitment
- Mostly it's just showing up
- No current organizer is stepping down
- We'd like to represent differing points-of-view
- Welcome Julie Stark!
- We're still looking for other interested people
PythonKC Autumn 2016 Meetup
- Thursday 27 October 2016
- Looking for a location
- One presentation scheduled already (and a second maybe); looking for up to two more
PythonKC October 2016 Coffee & Code
- Saturday 8 October 2016
- Looking for a location
PythonKC Bookclub
- Fluent Python
- #bookclub Slack channel
- Discussion Board
Python News and Resources
- David Sale. Dockerizing a Python Django Web Application
- Mahmoud Hashemi. Python Packaging at PayPal
- Reuven Lerner. Implementing “zip” with list comprehensions
- Adam Johnson. Upgrading to Python 3 with Zero Downtime
- Andrew Godwin. Channels adopted as an official Django project
- Krzysztof Żuraw. Makefiles in python projects
- Andrew Kelleher. Deep Exploration Into Python: Let’s Review The Dict Module
- Python Bug Tracker. Compact and ordered dict