PythonKC Winter 2017 Meetup

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

def greetings():
    print("Welcome to PythonKC Winter Meetup.")
    print("Today is Thursday 26 January 2017.")
    print("Thanks to GRID Collaborative Workspace.")

if __name__ == '__main__':

PythonKC February 2017 Coffee & Code

PythonKC 2017 Bookclub

Python News and Resources


  • Building a Pyramid on the Micro-framework Landscape: Sean Zicari will explore the excellent architecture, robust features, and some practical examples of how the Pyramid framework solves a lot of big problems with just the right amount of code.
  • LaunchCode KC Fall 2016 Cohort: Tamara Copple and Muriel will discuss their experiences in the LaucnCode program as beginners to the Python programming language.
  • Python ❤️ Rust: Brian Myers will discuss using Python and Rust together.